2017 welcomed us with a warm and promising surprise in our inbox… an email from the The MilK Magazine, letting us know that a collection of our toys was handpicked for the First Tendance Kids circuit at January’s Maison & Objet trade show!
As you can imagine, for the next coming days we couldn’t help but smile! This was a big honor and a unique chance to see our toys in an international trade show, presented by the most prestigious ambassador we could ever imagine! Milk Magazine has been following with passion children’s trends for almost 15 years!
The first Tendance Kids circuit was titled Milk Way of Life and the collection was introduced to the public as “the crème de la crème in lifestyle and decoration products”.
The Milk Magazine team picked our Asymmetric Tricycle construction toy, one of our most minimalistic designs, for the New Edge section. The boat construction toy, the sail boat toy and the red umbrella stacking toy, were featured in the section White Stripes, forming part of a playful collection.

Although we could not make it ourselves to Maison et Objet, we received many photos from the Milk Magazine, and from friends and stockists (Thank you Kidshop!). We are very excited to see that our handcrafted Toys made of Dreams among established and well-known brands in Kids Design, such as Lucky Boy Sunday, Maileg, Encore, Donna Wilson, Annabel Kern and more.
New Year, fresh start, dreams to work hard for, much inspiration and a Spring little cloud entering our life and promising new adventures!
We would like to thank all of you for following and supporting us in this global community! Dreams show the way!